Y Friday, September 19, 2008Y
7:27 AM

This week of life without NS in my way, I went out to watch a movie "WALL.E", the movie isn't very nice haha... abit lame... but still abit meaningful. Meaningful as in the part where people keep throwing waste away till 1 day earth is cover with litter. People start moving out to outerspace, where they stay in a spaceship, everything in there are done by robot, people don't have to move, they just have to sit in a chair which help them move around and it even change their clothes for them. All the people in there are very fat as they don't move much, or not moving at all. That is just part of the story, for more, go watch the movie. LOL
Beside that, went to K-Box to sing with a friend. We start around 2pm and sing till 7+ going 8pm still no 1 come ask us to go. I no voice le so decide to go off, LOL.
Beside that i also went Jurong Point to play at X-Zone get many soft-toys. But gave 5 to my god-Sister, then after that went to a shop named "VISION". Know someone in there, as she lost her Handphone and look very sad, so decided to give her the last soft-toy which i like the most. I don't feel sad because I can see that she is much happier :) so i also feel happier.
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