Y Tuesday, December 18, 2007Y
4:04 AM

Today is a tire day, I went working at a factory named DHL. I woke up at 5:40am, take a bath, eat my breakfast and watch some TV program.When it was about 7:15am. I set off to work. i start work at 8:30am, and i was working like hell, without stopping until 12pm, it was lunch time. So i sat down at somewhere with my friends who was working there as well, and start eating. When it was about 1:30pm I start working like hell once again... I feel so tire, but think of the money I could make in one day of 9 hours, it will be $50+. Without thinking much I went on working like a mad man.
FINALLY the day ended, I am still in one piece, luckily... but a heavy box did fall on my head when I am working... don't know if any things might happen... but i am fine 4 now... if anything happen to me then to bad lo, LOL. Tomorrow will be another working day.. so as well as Thursday, but the only different is the pay is 2x more then the nomal, because it was on the public holiday. I am so looking forward to Thursday. Only hope i will not be so tire after work...Labels: WORKING WORKing WOrking
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